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Mabon: The Autumn Equinox - September 22

The Seccond Harvest

* This Sabbot is named for Mabon, the Welsh God who symbolized the male fertilizing principle in the Welsh myths.
* This did not go unnoticed the English and the Celts because of the balance between light and dark, but it was unnoticed as a Sabbat until the Norce invaders brought it into promincence and placed it between Lughnasadh and Samhain as the second of the three harvests. With the # 3 in these conquered lands associated with the Triple Goddess and with the act of completeness, they adopted this addition wholeheartly.
* In China this day is known as Chung Ch'iu and marks the end of the Rice Harvest.
* Mabon is also referred to as the "Witches' Thanksgiving" and is one of the oldest Harvest celebrations in Europe. (It is referred to as this in remembrace of the old Anglo-Celtic festival of Harvest Home, a repite from the work of harvesting and a celebration of thanks.)
* Mabon begins the season of autumn when leaves die, and nature, having given forth an abundance of new lifegiving foods, withers so that the cycle may being again.
* Night and Day are equal, as are the powers of the Goddess and God equal on this night, as the forces of good and evil.
* Mabon marks the end of the second harvest, a time when the majority of crops are gathered.

~ Activities ~

* Cider pressing
* Grain Threshing
* Dancing
* Feasting
* Crowing of a Harvest King and Queen (Blue is the color of the Harvest Lord and Green the color of the Harvest Lady)

~ Autumn Crops ~

Featured at this Sabbats feast:

* Nuts
* Apples
* Grapes

Ready to be made into:

* Jam
* Jellies
* Wines

~ Foods/Wines to Make ~

* Heather "Wine"
* Blackberry Wine
* Baked Apples Indiana-Style
* Texas-Style Pecan Pie